Boutique Dental is a unique space where we combine a high level of services with care and time devoted only to you. The pace of life is increasing and we stopped for a moment so that after 15 years of working with the patient we could look at everything anew. We know one thing, we don't want to rush! We want to do our job well, accurately and fully responsibly by signing it. You will not meet many people in our office, we have planned our work so that intimacy and privacy are a priority.
- We invite you to Boutique Dental in the heart of Warsaw at Hoża Street -

Dental treatment DOES NOT HAVE TO PAIN and there is a place in Warsaw where neither dental treatment nor anesthesia is a whim. What's more, Boutique Dental has reached a higher level, performing treatments that respect the patient's senses. Lying on a soft armchair, I listen to music, podcasts, the smell of candles, I relax and switch off! I never thought that there would be such a space that would allow for peace during therapy.
Karolina Korwin Piotrowska radio and television journalist

The atmosphere, patient care and attention to the quality of services provided are of enormous importance to me. Boutique Dental is a combination of a beautiful boutique interior with professional and friendly service at the highest level. A cup of aromatic coffee before the treatment makes me sit comfortably in a chair to discuss the details of the treatment with my attending physician and a dedicated concierge.
Michał Brożonowicz Genral Manager, Member of the Board at Constatntin Entertainment Polska

On a daily basis, I fulfill several roles: I am intensely involved professionally, academically and above all, I am a partner, friend and mother. Not infrequently, one event makes my entire calendar change in the blink of an eye like in a kaleidoscope. Operating at such a high speed, I cannot afford to neglect my health and that of my loved ones. That's why I only trust the best. At Boutique Dental, the highest quality of services and the intimate atmosphere of the place are important to me. In addition, the specialists are flexible in planning procedures and, above all, they listen to the needs of patients. In business, I start every relationship with a sincere substantive conversation, and at Boutique Dental I started my visit with coffee and a detailed treatment plan with Dr. Przemek.
Maria Belka CEO&Co-Founder Mentors4Starters Co-Founder - Bit Evil SA Global Shapers Warsaw (WEF)

I am a demanding customer! I raise the bar high. Working with a lot of people at a fast pace, I appreciate the peace of mind. When choosing the services, people and places I use, I focus on uniqueness. Boutique Dental is a unique space where treatment is conducted in a therapeutic way. For the first time I met with the care of the senses and the awareness of taking care of adult patients in this form. I implement the treatment plan taking into account my needs and after each visit, I leave with a feeling like after an hour session in the spa. I was not aware that you can combine healing and calming down at the same time. Congratulations on the idea.
Magdalena Wójcik Head of Advertising Revenue w MODIVO S.A.

Jestem pacjentem którego interesuje nowoczesna technologia i cyfrowe rozwiązania. Jestem świadomy niezwykłych postępów w medycynie które wspierają leczenie w sposób dynamiczny i skuteczny. Decydując się na konkretnego lekarza zawsze zwracam uwagę na, doświadczenie i podejście do pacjenta. Protetyka cyfrowa którą zaproponował mi Dr Przemysław, zaskoczyła mnie bardzo pozytywnie. Wykonano mi skan zębów , projekty cyfrowe i frezowanie pracy w laboratorium gabinetowym. Całość pracy w zaledwie 24 godziny. Wybrałem Boutique Dental ponieważ stawiam na jakość usług i profesjonalizm z pełnym szacunkiem do mojego czasu.
Maciej Cieślak Head of Controlling Burda Media Polska

DB is a new place on the dental map of Warsaw and big applause for someone who came up with the idea not to use only white paint and cool pastels for painting and decorating a dental office. The premises is closer to an Art Deco style cafe - by the way, a cup of a little black coffee has also been proposed. Due to the need to maintain a white diet right after whitening, I had to give it up, so ask for it right after you come - a pro tip for you.