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    Zespół medyczno – administracyjny Boutique Dental, to osoby pełne pasji i zaangażowania w procesy leczenia pacjentów.

    Każdy z lekarzy posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie w opiece stomatologicznej. Najnowocześniejsza technologia zapewnia lekarzom i higienistkom możliwość pracy na najwyższym poziomie. Każdego dnia pamiętamy, że jesteśmy dla Was – nasz Zespół to przede wszystkim ludzie oddani swojej profesji, ceniący Waszą obecność i wybór naszych usług. Co nas łączy? Przede wszystkim indywidualne podejście do każdego przyjętego pacjenta. Mamy pełną świadomość prowadzenia terapii u pacjentów których dotychczasowe doświadczenie u stomatologa, nie pozwalało przekroczy progu lekarza i w pełni jesteśmy przygotowani na terapię pełną troski i poszanowania uczuć pacjenta.

    zmniejszone 4

    Dentist – Przemysław Juzala

    prosthetic treatment and root canal treatment under a microscope

    I am a doctor with over 15 years of experience in working under a dental microscope.

    I graduated from the Medical University of Silesian Piasts in Wrocław. I perform pro-cedures in the field of complex root canal treatment and post-treatment reconstruc-tion. Each patient struggling with a problem in the field of prosthetics, missing teeth or wanting to create a beautiful smile will receive a sincere diagnosis and action plan from me. My dental passion is digital prosthetics in the CAD/CAM system and I focus on its effectiveness the most. In order for every patient to feel safe, I do not forget about education, at the moment I am in the process of my doctorate.

    admitting patients: Polish and English


    Maxillofacial surgeon Marcin Łaśko

    Surgery and implantology

    Doctor Marcin is the most energetic doctor in our team, he specializes in maxillofacial surgery procedures. A graduate of the Medical University of Warsaw. Clinical interests include head and neck oncology, reconstructive surgery and implantology. Currently, during the last years of specialization training in maxillofacial surgery at the Treatment Department of the Head and Neck Cancer Clinic at the National Institute of Oncology. In his free time he is involved in sport and mountain climbing both in Poland and abroad. At Boutique Dental, he performs tooth extractions, including the most complex ones. Taking into account the holistic approach to the patient, Dr. Marcin and Dr. Przemysław plan implanto-prosthetic treatment.

    admitting patients: Polish and English.



    Periodontist – Daniel Poszytek

    Choroby przyzębia – parodontoza

    A graduate of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the Medical University of Warsaw, he completed a specialization in periodontology at the Department of Mucosal and Periodontal Diseases of the Medical University of Warsaw. He is mainly interested in surgical periodontal treatment (tissue reconstruction, recession coverage). Together with the Prosthetician and the Dental Hygienist, they create interdisciplinary treatment plans. She always says that good periodontal treatment requires two parties involved in order to achieve success. Conscientious consultations and examinations allow to determine the stage of periodontitis and create an appropriate treatment plan.


    Dentist – Taras Woźniak

    conservative treatment and endodontic treatment

    accepting patients: Polish, English, Ukrainian


    Urszula Szczygielska hig. stomatologiczna

    Profilaktyka, higienizacja, wybielanie zębów

    A graduate of the Medical University of Warsaw in the field of Dental Hygiene. Several years of experience translates into patient care in cooperation with a periodontist. Ula is a passionate practitioner, she perfectly understands the needs of patients, and the proprietary Dental Spa allows the patient to relax during hygienization treatments.